EYFS framework 2012 (early years foundation stage)
In April 2012 a revised EYFS Framework was issued by the government based on the recommendations of Dame Claire Tickell’s review. The framework is supported by guidance developed with and by the early years sector, that is accessible through their website.
Early Years Foundation Stage Framework
The revised EYFS emphasises the need for professionals:
- To spend more time interacting with children to promote creative and critical thinking skills and early language and communication.
- To encourage both parents to become more involved in their child’s development and to give ideas as to how they can support this development at home.
- To identify as early as possible any additional needs a child may have and strengthen links with colleagues, such as health visitors, who can support these needs.
- To share with parents a summary of their child’s progress between 2 and 3 years of age.
- To refocus the learning and development of the youngest children in the foundation years - through the three prime areas of learning: personal, social and emotional development; communication and language; and physical development - and along with four specific areas of learning: literacy; mathematics; expressive arts and design; and understanding the world.
- To assess at the end of the reception year using the new Early Years Foundation Stage Profile against significantly fewer early learning goals – a reduction from 69 to 17
- To make a judgement at the end of the reception year on how children learn.